
Thursday, April 29, 2010


Okay sedar tak sedar lagi sejam dah masuk hari baru. And maksudnya hari terakhir dalam bulan April. As always, I will make some sum up for this month. Overall bulan ni Zafi rasa macam ok sikit compared to last month. Much better than before.

Bulan ni last untuk this semester. Then I had my final. 5 consecutives days. Huh what a tired mental I got. Alhamdulillah I can make it. Then cuti semester 2 bulan. And the best part I think, 'we' are going to be like we used to be. Close like before I guess. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Tidur. Makan. Tidur. Makan. Tengok TV??? Tak pun. Haih bosan la. Apa patut saya buat?

Haaaa tadi kan entah macam mana terfikir pasal persamaan profile picture kami. Dulu Zafi pernah buat profile picture mulut muncung tu or pouting mouth. Then dia pun pernah buat juga. Then Zafi baru-baru ni ada letak picture yang konon-konon Zafi pandang belakang. Tapi kepala je lah. Alah macam muka je lah yang Zafi paling dari badan. And dia pun buat picture macam tu. Tapi dia punya picture lebih dari tepi lah. Sama kan?

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Dont Know What To Say :

cuteamira14: Salam...kak fyra!!:(
zafreebies_88: wasalam
zafreebies_88: kenapa dik?
zafreebies_88: sedih ?
zafreebies_88: dik?
zafreebies_88: are you ok?
cuteamira14: kak...abang man kena pukul dengan samseng jalanan,mujur kawan abang kenal adik,,,terus dia inform adik..actually,abang tengah rushing then terlanggar dengan samseng tu..samseng tu pun marah-marah..habis abang kena pukul dengan 6 orang lawan 1 orang..abang tengah rehat now,baadn dia lebam-lebam
zafreebies_88: ha ye ke?
zafreebies_88: bila dia kena pukul?
zafreebies_88: aduhhhhh kenapa jadi macam ni?
cuteamira14: adik cakapla kat kawan abang, "abang kan pandai taekwando?"kawan abang cakap, "dia tak sempat nak lawan lagi". kawan abang tu jumpa dia tengah menahan sakit..
cuteamira14: yesterday
zafreebies_88: 1 badan la lebam-lebam?
cuteamira14: hmmm kat bibir,perut.kena pukul dengan kayu baseball tu..kesian abang:(
zafreebies_88: ya Allah!!
zafreebies_88: macam dalam cerita la pulak
cuteamira14: tu la...1st adik tak percaya...tapi bila adik suruh kawan abang bagi hp kat abang..suara abang tersekat-sekat..
zafreebies_88: kesiannya
zafreebies_88: i cant imagine it
cuteamira14: kalau mama abang tau..sekarang gak dia suruh abang balik Malaysia...nasib time tu abang sehelai sepinggang.tak bawak benda yang berharga
zafreebies_88: masa tu dia nak pergi kerja ke?
cuteamira14: yesterday dia ambil cuti nak siapkn tesis katanya..dia kat rumah lecturer dengan kawan-kawan yang lain...kejadian tu berlaku after solat Jumaat
cuteamira14: kalau adik jumpa samseng tu..siapla dia orang!!
zafreebies_88: eeeeeee jahat betul orang-orang tu
zafreebies_88: no manners lah
zafreebies_88: tapi macam mana pulak masa tu abang boleh seorang-seorang?
cuteamira14: entah..maybe nak ambik something..kawan dia kat atas dia turun bawah
zafreebies_88: oooo
zafreebies_88: just in a flash of an eye la ni
cuteamira14: haah sekelip mata...yang adik risau kepala abg tu...kan tak dapat bergegar sangat..
zafreebies_88: lepas tu ada check doktor tak kepala abang tu?
cuteamira14: ermm tak tau lak adik,kalau balut-balut tu adala..wait and see.abang tak boleh move to much
zafreebies_88: aduhhh akak pulak yang rasa sesak
zafreebies_88: adik banyak ye doa untuk abang
cuteamira14: rasa sesak?macam mana tu?...yela adik baru lepas nangis-nangis and hope abang cepat sembuh
zafreebies_88: mixed feelings kat dalam dada tu
zafreebies_88: bercampur baur
zafreebies_88: adik baru tau tadi la ye?
cuteamira14: haah..baru lepas buat kerja,then kawan abang call.
cuteamira14: sorry la ye,kacau akak..
zafreebies_88: ehhh its ok
zafreebies_88: thanks sebab bagitahu akak
zafreebies_88: adik on ym ni just want to let me know this?
cuteamira14: :welcome...tak jugak adik ada temu janji dengan kawan nak ym.
zafreebies_88: ouhhh i see...
zafreebies_88: thanks so much ye dik

These conversations were between ME and MIRA.
We were YM-ing around 10AM something to 1130AM - 24 April 2010 - Saturday

New Cut

Lebih kurang macam Kim Ha-Neul ni kot?? :P

Ni ALI. Tapi ALI nampak macam messy sangat. Mine is more neat :) .

Hye!!!! Macam dah lama tak berblog kan??? Ehehehe. Sebenarnya tengah, bukan tepi atau belakang mahupun depan ye, cuti semester ni. 2 bulan ouh. Lama. And now I feel so boreeeedddd. Haih baru 2 hari balik cuti tapi dah bosan. Sabar saja lah.

Ouh ya tadi dalam tengah hari pergi saloon. Saja potong rambut. Sebab dah panjang sangat. Ye lah dah setahun 6 bulan kot rambut ni tak berpotong. Jadi panjang lebih dari pinggang. And tadi potong sampai bahu. Tapi still tak boleh diikat. Sebab potong secara layer. Hahahaha kalau sekali tengok macam ALI dalam cerita KAMI tu. Tapi ni versi girl la ye. :P.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Just Too Tired To Reply It

Semalam ada dua papers. Sebelah pagi exam Pembangunan Wilayah dan malamnya pula Seni Tari. Yeeee malam pun ada exam juga. Dah la tadi dua papers. Haaaa bayangkan macam mana nak absorb semua yang bakal keluar dalam exam tu.

Tapi bukan nak cerita pasal tu. Habis dari exam Seni Tari, sampai rumah dalam jam 10PM something. Then I had shower. After that, as usual I'll check my hp. Walaupun tak ada siapa nak message, tapi saja je la kan. Tup tup ada message dari dia. Haiiiikkkk biar betul kan??? Bukan ke office hour masa tu? Dalam 3PM something kalau ikut waktu dia. Bosan ke duduk office tu? Tak kan curi tulang pula kan?

Message tu pula bukan message apa pun. Boleh lah dikategorikan sebagai message yang slaptics punya. Because Im too tired, so I made up my mind to reply it later. But at the same time, Im just to confuse either want to reply it or not. Malas nak balas cepat-cepat. MOGOK la kononnya.

Eventually, I replied his message at 1227AM. I just texted thanks and informed him that I just came back from exam and just realised his message. Just wanted to let him know.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


6:36PM. I was sleeping. Then my hp rang. One message. Ouh from HIM. Just looked at the message once through.

Tegur saya jika saya sombong,
tegur saya jika saya mulai angkuh,
tegur saya jika saya mulai salah.
Kerana saya masih sangat perlu sahabat seperti kamu, hari ini, esok, dan selamanya.

- Kirim ini ke semua teman yang kamu sayangi. (Jika saya termasuk, tolong kirim balik ya...) Lihat berapa banyak kamu dapat balasan. Kalau lebih dari 7 bererti kamu patut disayangi. Kerana kamu adalah salah 1 yang terbaik. -

Continue my sleep. Because I was too sleepy. ;). I replied his message at 7:05PM.

Tegur saya jika saya sombong,
tegur saya jika saya mulai angkuh,
tegur saya jika saya mulai salah.
Kerana saya masih sangat perlu sahabat seperti kamu, hari ini, esok, dan selamanya.
( I love this quote. Kalau betul saya dah sombong, angkuh, and salah, just let me know.)
- I never going to leave your side - :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


To Politic's paper : Please be nice and be easy to me and to all my friends tomorrow ya. Don't ask us difficult questions. We just want the easiest from you. So that we can score you and get the best result. Please ya. ;)

Final Examination Is Finally Here

Tadi pergi kampus. After a week tak jejak kampus tu. Tapi kali ni pergi kampus with a big mission.



Sunday, April 18, 2010

Can We Do This??? It Doesn't Matter Either You Are A Girl Or Boy

Attempt to become their best friend. Not just any other friend, become someone that they couldn't live without, who listens to all their problems and always helps out when times get hard. Also tell them about yourself, your dreams, sorrows and wishes. You need to establish a connection like no other, something that neither of you could live without. Spend time with them, get to know them better and get the sense of trust. A shoulder to lean on and some good friend that they can always turn to is all that a person wants. Make the person feel special, because they are someone's friend - your friend, and let them know that they too have touched your life in a unique way like no one else could. Compliment them for their company and for being there when you needed them, times when you felt sad and all alone. Show appreciations for the comfort the person offers you and for making you smile. In your day to day talks, share your dreams, your world, and every aspect of your life with your friend. Always dream with her, build with her, and always cheer her on and encourage her.

Hint. Before you two get too close and pass the "I love you as a friend" line or become too much of a brotherly figure you need to give her hints that you might like her more then as a friend. Simple harmless flirts, comments, something that would make her tell you that you're sweet, but also make her think a moment longer about the comment and wonder if there is another deeper meaning to it all. But don't overdo it, because then you're just making it too obvious.

Keep trying. When you start to see #2 starting to come from her side, you know you're getting somewhere, if you haven't noticed it from her yet, try a bit harder. Be more obvious because some girls are used to being flirted with a lot.

Back off. When you're sure that you are getting somewhere, back off a little. If you see her everyday avoid her for two days or so, no contact! She will end up missing you and really understanding how deeply she feels for you. But make sure you have a valid reason for being away when she asks.

Worry sparingly about what she feels because girls like to talk so she will end up telling a friend about her feelings and that friend will end up telling another person and so on, so the news will reach your ears sooner or later. It's bound to happen no matter what, the more popular you or she is the faster you will know about it. If don't hear anything but you are sure she likes you then you can still continue to keep following these steps.

Tell her. Take her aside, it's best to be in private to make it seem more personal and to avoid humiliation for her or you in case something goes wrong. Tell her your feelings, absolutely everything you feel, don't leave anything forgotten or held back, the more the better. Then pause and wait for her response, if it is positive then congrats, if not, well then you need a cover fast! You need to convince her to just forget about this whole thing and pretend it never happened and that you can just be friends if she doesn't have the same feelings as you.

  • Double, triple, quadruple times think this over; is it worth risking a friend?
  • Get your feelings straight before you attempt anything, you don't want to breakdown if anything goes wrong.
  • There's always the chance of you breaking up with her someday and if that happens consider if it is worth the chance of losing her as a friend too?
  • Remember, patience is the most important thing you need to have to make this work.
  • Let her borrow your music, make her a mix CD. The music you listen to shows her a whole other side of you, it helps her to understand you better.
  • Look deep into her eyes whenever you talk to her, eyes show the most emotion a person can show, it also will make her fall in love with you faster and you will be able to tell if she loves you or not.
  • Don't overthink anything she does or says, because girls don't seem to think about things like that as much as we do, she might do something that she didn't even realize but you will be stuck thinking about it for days on end.
  • You have to be creative and constructive to keep girl's interest in you so be full of life.
  • Be a gentleman: don't curse, don't get wasted when with your with her it's actually better if you stay sober when she is around, if she doesn't smoke try to decrease your smoking amount or even quit if you have to, it's either the cigarettes or her.
  • Make sure she knows she's loved even as just as a friend!
  • Never fail to phone her, even when she least expects it.
  • Don't flirt with other girls, if you try to make her jealous after you know that she likes you, then it will be a major turn off and you could hurt her.
  • Invite her to hang out with your friends, and remember to hang out with her and her friends sometimes to.
  • Become close to her friends but don't tell them anything even if they seem to be your extremely close friends, they could help you out later, and she will be impressed that you are so friendly.
  • Don't be shabby, always stay clean!
  • Don't do things to fit in with or impress other people, be yourself, that will impress her more then giving in to peer pressure.
  • Be romantic and emotional with her but don't overdo it and make them think you are emo!
  • It's her feelings over yours, the last person in the world you would want to hurt is her.
  • Absolutely never pretend to be someone you're not, be yourself.
  • Once you have her never let her go.
  • Try not to get too attached unless you're sure it's going to work, harder done then said i know, but it's best for you.
  • Be different and unique in your own way that is what she will fall in love with.
  • When you get into this friendship it has to be in your mind that you want to become her best friend and not her boyfriend always keep the boyfriend thing deep in your mind and only let it pop up when you're not around her. It makes you fall in love with her twice in different ways and will make your relationship so much stronger.
  • If you can wait until she brings up her feelings first then you can do the same. It's a lot less risky.
  • Find out as much as you can about her to get close, the closer the better.
  • Always try to smile, it makes you easier to talk to and makes her smile at you which will just make your heart melt like butter, and luckily hers to.
  • It'll never hurt to give a girl a present, if you can't think one up then ask one of your female friends or one who knows her and she\he can help you out.
  • Call her beautiful or cute not sexy or hot.
  • Be calm and laid back, don't spaz out.
  • Crack jokes, girls always like funny guys, just know the difference between laughing with you and laughing at you.
  • Don't lie to her, a relationship like this depends on the trust between you two in order for it to not end.
  • Never tell her you love her, unless you truly mean it with all of your heart.


  • If you don't tell her, you will regret it. No matter how you fear hurting your friendship, you can't hide forever. She could be falling in love with you, and you'll just be hurting both of you by keeping it bottled up inside. And if not, it's better to have loved and lost, right?
  • "She may actually NOT want you as a lover." If you find that whatever you do doesn't matter, and that she doesn't respond to anything, consider that she may not want anymore than just friends, and quickly back off so that you don't creep her out. That way, you'll stay friends, and you can try to win her heart later.
  • You might end up losing a close friend which will hurt even more then not being able to tell her you love her.
  • If you guys get together be careful because some things might change, it's a big impact on a friendship.
  • Some girls are used to the whole flirting thing, it's like a habit. So be careful, you might act too fast and spoil the whole thing.
  • If she finds out about your feelings for her from another person before she needs to that will also corrupt things unless she already likes you by then and she will pretend she never heard and she will wait for you to make your move. On the other hand if she freaks she will want to see if the rumor is true and she will test you, this is impossible to avoid unless you hear about it, if you hear about it just deny it when she asks you, trust me it's not worth it, I would know...
  • If you face rejection don't break down in front of her, you can cry all you want later but keep your stuff together and try to mend it as best as you can.
  • If you fall in love and it goes wrong it's going to take the longest time to get over her and it will stay on your mind, and your heart will actually feel pain and as if a chunk was missing right out of the middle, no matter what you think about you will always feel there is something missing so deep inside you will never be the same again, when you think about it you will cry and forget about the world, with her face seared in to your eye lids you won't be able to sleep, you might even stop eating for a while and you will even start doing bad things just to try to get your mind off it, losing someone you love is a life changing experience. Consider yourself warned!
  • Never, ever, ever call her any bad names even if you were just joking.
  • Never spend a lot of time thinking up what you are going to say to her on the phone or when you see her next time, because when the time comes for you to say something you will forget everything and make it up along the way.
  • You might have to deal with seeing her in someone else's arms, think about how that would make you feel?
  • Try to keep the beast of jealousy locked up, which i know is really hard for us guys, but just keep in mind that you're the one who she's going to end up falling in love with in the end!
  • Try to avoid testing the waters with her to many times she will get angry, you should know how far she would go with out even testing, use you're common sense and don't be a pig.
  • And when you guys hug don't put your hands on her butt, most girls don't like that.
  • When you tell her that you love her, tell her in person and not over texts or note or anything like that it has to be face to face, to make it seem as personal as it possibly can seem, the emotions need to flow between you two, and unless you're some kind of poet then you need to face to face.
  • Even if a person says we will pretend like nothing happened; its still going to change things, there is nothing you can do about it.

Sad Dream

I had sad dream last night. Masa tidur tadi, tiba-tiba Zafi menangis. Yup menangis!!! Dah teresak-esak masa tu. Lepas tu Zafi tersedar, and air mata mengalir je.

Zafi mimpi Mommy and Daddy divorce. Masa tu ada satu event kat tempat Zafi, tapi Mommy and Daddy datang asing-asing. Rasa sedih sangat masa tu. Makan pun, makan jauh-jauh. Kemudian Zafi minta lah camera yang Zafi suruh Daddy pegang, tapi camera tu pula pada kawan Daddy. Sebab Zafi nak ambil gambar kenangan sama-sama. Masa tu pula Mommy cakap dah nak balik. Macam mana nak ambil gambar?

Haaaa masa tu lah rasa marah sangat. Sebab camera tu pada orang lain. Marah sangat sampai menangis dalam tidur. SEDIH. Zafi tersedar sebab rasa dada masa tu macam sesak. Teresak-esak. Bila jaga, nasib baik hanya bermimpi. Tapi pelik kenapa tiba-tiba muncul mimpi macam tu? Ada siapa-siapa tahu makna mimpi tu?


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saya Bukan Perigi

Tiba-tiba kan petang ni Zafi and kawan bermesej pasal perigi mencari timba. Atau dalam bahasa lainnya, bahasa apa tu?, perempuan melamar/mencari/mengatakan/menyatakan dia suka pada lelaki.

Ha isu macam ni agak sensitif. Tapi pada Zafi memang agak segan lah kalau kita nak cakap kita suka kat seseorang lelaki tu. Nanti mesti orang ingat macam desperate kan? Lepas tu kita, I mean girls yang segan ni, akan tunggu je lah lelaki yang kita suka tu cakap dia suka kita.

Tapi, (kalau Zafi bersembang dengan Farah cakap pasal 'Dia', lepas tu guna word 'tapi', mesti Farah cakap, kau ni negatip sangat la. Buang jauh-jauh fikiran negatip tu), kalau kita tunggu je dia nak cakap sampai bila? Mungkin lelaki tu suka kita juga, tapi dia orang mesti akan ingat, kita ni macam tak suka kat dia. Kalau dia cakap, then girls tu menolak? Ha tu salah satu sebabnya, boys/guys tak nak ditolak.

Then guys/boys ni pula maybe ada pengalaman dari kisah lalu mereka, ditinggalkan oleh girlfriend. Sampai serik untuk berada dalam satu perhubungan. Mereka juga tak nak ditipu and ditinggalkan lagi.

Dan bagi girl yang berani pula, dia orang akan cakap je kat lelaki yang mereka suka. Lelaki pula, bila ada girl lain yang cakap macam tu, ditambah pula girl yang memendam perasaan ni tak berterus terang, mesti akan pergi pada girl yang berani tu. Sebab mereka tak tau girl yang memendam ni ada perasaan padanya.

Macam mana kalau suatu hari nanti, the boy find out yang girl ni pernah ada hati padanya? Keadaan akan jadi bagaimana? Patut dia bersama dengan girl yang cakap dia suka pada boy tu, atau pergi kepada girl yang pemendam tu, kerana dulu boy tu juga pernah ada rasa suka with that girl? Satu pihak pasti akan terluka kan?

Tapi sebenarnya tak salah kan kalau girl cakap dia suka pada boy? Cuma sifat pemalu dan segan itu terlalu tebal menggunung. Lagi satu, kita kena sedia dengan risikonya. Either accepted or rejected. Pedih memang pedih, but at least, kita dah luahkan perasaan kita. Sedangkan Nabi dulu dipinang oleh Siti Khadijah. Namun, kita, masyarakat Melayu ni je yang masih kuat berpegang pada adat ketimuran.

Some boys/guys say, tak jatuh pun saham girls kalau mereka cakap mereka suka pada lelaki. Sebab sesetengah lelaki juga kadang-kadang tak punya keberanian untuk cakap benda yang sama. Kalau difikirkan semula, tak kira perigi cari timba ke atau timba cari perigi ke, at the end of the day, perigi dan timba tetap akan bertemu juga kan? Lagi elok kalau guna orang tengah. At least kurang sikit rasa malu tu.

Tak semestinya kalau girl tu cantik kena tunggu di tepian je, tak buat apa-apa. Hanya menunggu. Berusahalah untuk berenang ke tengah selagi termampu. Berani sikit. ( Cheh Zafi pun ada rasa segan dan malu lagi ni ). Nanti tak lah melopong dan ternganga bila tengok seseorang yang kita suka diambil orang. Macam tu juga pada yang rasa kurang yakin dengan penampilan diri sendiri tu, buang sifat malu. Bergaul dengan orang di sekeliling supaya mereka merasa senang dan suka dengan sikap kita. Dari situ, kita dapat tunjuk kelebihan kita.

Zafi? Zafi ni agak konsevatif dalam hal macam ni. Sifat malu dan segan tu sangat tebal. Zillion inci tebalnya. And hell yeah, kadang-kadang terlepas banyak peluang sebab hal ni lah. ;). Farah siap pesan lagi, buang lah sikap ego Zafi ni. Kalau tak nak berterus terang, berkias lah. Tapi jangan berkias dalam-dalam sangat!!! Nanti susah pula dia nak faham, hanya berkias di tepian je. Atau berkias di permukaan. Supaya dia nampak petunjuk yang Zafi bagi tu. Urmmmmm *dalam hati ada nekad baru* ;)

To S :

Sheikh, Seyyed, or Syed

Which one do you prefer?

Ejaan tak sama tapi titlenya boleh tau kan? Macam kebetulan ke apa ke Zafi pun tak tau. Tapi semua yang terjadi kan dah ditentukan oleh ALLAH? Mana ada berlaku secara kebetulan. Sebelum kita lahir lagi aturan hidup kita telah ditentukan. Tapi kita ni je yang selalu cakap kebetulan kebetulan kebetulan.

Haaaa and, and, lagi nak buat kisah ni tambah menarik, tak perlu tambah garam ke gula ke, tak perlu okkay, pangkal nama dia orang ni bermula dengan penghulu segala huruf. You figure out by yourself. ;). Oh bukan setakat tu je, belakang nama dia orang pula berakhir dengan huruf yang ke 14. DAN huruf yang ke 14 tu pula permulaan pada my name.

Seriously, when I know them, I never ask their real name. Dan dia orang pula just bagi nickname je. Bila dah lama kenal, tak ada lah sampai bertahun-tahun ye, dia orang sendiri akan bagitau their real name. Tapi ada seorang je yang Zafi tanya. Dua orang tu lagi bagitau sendiri.

Mula-mula tak perasan, tapi biasalah tak lama lepas tu mula rasa pelik. Eh kenapa semua nama macam nak sama? Zafi mencari nama tu ke? Oh tak tak. Benda tu, I mean nama datang dengan sendiri.

Zafi tak kisah pun dengan nama apa kalau nak berkawan dengan seseorang tu. Ye lah tak kan pula kalau nama seseorang tu tak macam kita harapkan, kita terus tak nak kawan dengan dia. Betul tak? Asalkan maksud nama mereka baik cukup lah. Nama kan doa juga.

Jadi bagaimana dengan kamu?
Nama-nama kawan kamu pula bagaimana?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Saya Rindukan Kamu... Tiba-tiba...


Tiba-tiba saya rasa rindu kat awak.
Semua kenangan tu datang semula.
You cant be compared to anybody.
Walau kadang-kadang saya terasa dengan awak, tapi entah, macam lagi banyak benda manis awak dah bagi kat saya dari benda pahit.

Bila orang lain mendesak, awak tak.
Bila saya suruh orang lain wait for a second, dia orang tak boleh sabar. Even in 5 minutes.
Tapi awak, sabar je. 10 minit pun boleh.

Mungkin kita sama-sama faham.
Walaupun awak tiba-tiba akan buat perangai awak tu.
'Hilang' tiba-tiba.
Either in YM or message.
Tapi kita kan dah lama tak YM.

But your habit tu terbawa-bawa bila kita bermesej.
Nak terasa pun sampai dah tak boleh rasa dah.
Macam dah lali.

Oh ya, semalam tiba-tiba adik angkat awak YM saya.
After ages we didn't YM with each other.
It made me feel weird.
Awak ke suruh dia YM saya?

Saya betul-betul pelik.
Kenapa ye?
Dan kita orang YM pun tak sampai 10 minit kot.

Tanya-tanya khabar and life.
Adik angkat awak cakap dia dah makin matured.
Then she told me, her friend, Alya, sent her Salam to me.
I answered the Salam.
Bila saya tanya, Alya kenal saya tak, then adik angkat awak terus out YM.

Awak and adik angkat awak memang macam tu kan?
Datang tiba-tiba dan pergi pun macam tu.
Lepas tu datang semula.

Tapi yang buat saya tertanya-tanya, mesti adik angkat awak pernah cerita pasal saya kat Alya kan?
Ye lah kalau tak, tak kan Alya kirim salam.
Apa agak-agaknya ye dia cerita kat Alya?
Famous ke saya ni?
Haih perasan sendiri pulak kan?
Kalau dia tak cerita banyak, sikit pun mesti ada kan?
Pelik-pelik la kamu semua ni.

Saya jadi pening pasal ni.
Ye lah dulu masa kenal awak, awak ada cerita pasal saya kat adik angkat awak tu.
Lepas tu adik kepada adik angkat awak pula kenal saya.
Mereka berdua yang add YM saya.

Then lagi best, mak cik and cousin adik angkat awak pula add FB saya.
Ramai ye macam dah 'kenal' saya.
Tapi saya tak tahu lah sejauh mana mereka 'kenal' saya.
Mungkin mereka kenal sebagai, ' Oh ni 'kawan' abang &*($^ '.
Agaknya lah.

Tapi kenapa tak nak 'tegur' dalam FB?
Even say hye pun tak.
Saya pernah juga 'tegur' adik angkat awak tu.
Tak tahu lah dia 'perasan' atau tak hye saya tu.
Sebab dia tak reply.

Saya dah buat bahagian saya.
Be nice to everyone.
Nanti manalah tau cakap, ' Eeee 'kawan' abang *&^#% tu sombong lah '.
And Im not snobbish okkay.
Im done my part.

Is it up to you to be friend with me or not.
Tapi kalau dah add tu, please do talk.
Show your willingness to be friend with people.

Ha kamu pula macam mana?
Nak jadi kawan saya? ;)
Jangan sombong-sombong ye.
Tak rugi pun kalau buat baik dengan orang.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Not Strong Enough

Okkay I have a quote to share with you people. I've found this quote in my friend's FB. Very meaningful to me. Simple but it touched my heart. Ecehh ;). So here the quote goes :

If someone would ask me who I want to be with? I would simply say : Someone who is not strong... Not strong enough to let me go.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Look

Taraaaaa!!!! Dah berubah kan??? Saja je nak ubah angin. Tukar segala macam dalam blog ni. Kalau dulu warna yang Zafi guna agak gelap, more to dark colours, but now, I use the light and more to soft colours. Bagi tenang sikit nak baca. Ada ke orang baca blog ni? Eceh...

Huh ambil masa juga nak edit semuanya. Almost an hour. Rajin kan? Study malas. Kalau rasa 'wajah' baru blog ni macam tak sesuai atau tak best sila bagitau. All of your opinions are most welcomed.

Unknown Number

My phone rang. *Unknown Number*. And the phone numbers looked like from oversea. I picked up the phone.

Him / ME

Hello. Did you sent me messages just now?

Yeah. Why?

Sorry. Im little bit busy right now. I will reply your messages later.

Ouh Ok ok. ( Tet tet tet....Then the coverage was not so good. Lost coverage ).

What??? It's 9Am already? Arghhh lambat bangun lagi. Urmmm tapi tak apa sebab mimpi dia call pulak. Hahahaha ;)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Dont Like Myself Being Like This

Apa nak jadi lah dengan Zafi ni.

Exam tak sampai lagi seminggu.

Whats wrong with myself????


Bukan tak ada benda nak baca.

Tapi balik-balik on lappy.

And asal buka lappy mesti tangan ni laju je sign in FB.

Lepas tu mengadap je la FB ni.

Buku tak nak baca, tapi MukaBuku nak pula baca.

Sekarang ni tengah buka 5 windows terus.

Blog sendiri, baca blog orang, FB, Yahoo Mail, and YouTube.

Kepala dan mata dah sakit ni.

Asyik mengadap lappy je. Haih.

Oh ya lagi satu layan FB Chat.

Come on Zafi!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up!!!

I dont like myself being like this.

I Like Beard Men ;)

Hehehe. But now he looks fat. Yeah FAT.
Opppppsss besarnya pic A.J.!!! Okkay okkay I know. A.J ni tak handsome kan. Biar lah.. :)
Isam Bachiri yang kanan tu. Yan suka yang belah kiri tu. Waqas namanya.
Ha ni namanya ISAM BACHIRI. *Sorry he's married*

I still remember the night.

The night that I knew everything.

The night that made me heart-broken.

My housemate played Backstreet Boys' songs.

Then I browsed in the internet looking for BSB pictures.

ME / Yan

Yan, tengok ni. Akak suka band ni. Ahhhh paling akak suka A.J.

Yang mana? Orang paling suka... alah siapa namanya ye???

Mesti nak cakap Nick tu. Mostly semua suka Nick. Ni la A.J.nya.

Hah??? yang ni?? Eeee tak handsome lah. Akak ni suka lelaki yang ada beard eh?

Hahahaha dah agak dah. Mesti nak cakap tak handsome. Biarlah tak handsome pun. Tak payah nak berebut-rebut. Hehehe

Eeeeee tak handsome lah kak. ( Berapa kali Yan pandang Zafi, tak percaya kot Zafi minat kat A.J.). Outlandish dulu pun akak suka yang guy ada beard tu kan?

Ha ah. Isam Bachiri tu. Eh akak tak perasan lak. Kebetulan je dia orang ada beard.

Alah tapi...tak handsome lah kak. ( Tengok, Yan still tak boleh terima hakikat yang Zafi suka A.J and Icam).

Biar lah. Tak handsome tapi akak suka je.

Align Center

Monday, April 12, 2010

Exam Oh Exam

Elok la tu, exam tak lama lagi. Tapi satu apa pun tak baca.

Hari-hari duduk mengadap Facebook. Lepas tu, makan and tidur.

Baca buku?

Haih entah lah.

Wake up Nurul!!!!!!

Exam is just around the xorner. Eh salah type, corner.

Dont you realize that?

Yeah yeah I know.

Oh my spirit come to me.

Saya kena baca juga buku.

How Could You

How could you?

Saya suka kamu pada saat kamu melantun kan lagu Andai Ku Tahu. Saya rasa sangat terkesan dengan lagu itu. Kamu comel. Kecil je. Walaupun muka kamu tak handsome, tapi saya tak kisah. Because you look so cute and sweet.

I tried to find your age. Goshhh eventhough he's older than me, but he looks so young. Masa saya kenal kamu, umur saya 18 tahun. Umur kamu pula 27. Berbeza 9 tahun kan? But its ok for me. Empat tahun saya suka kamu. Lama ouh.

Tapi saya silap. Rupa-rupanya kamu dah ada isteri. And you're a father to 3 kids. Ouuuhhh masa tu saya rasa, what are you married? Frust semua ada. Tapi tak apa lah. Tak kan pula nak kacau kamu kan. Jadi saya hanya menyukai kamu dari jauh saja.

Entah macam mana, perkahwinan kamu tidak bertahan lama. Saya rasa terkejut. Kerana kamu pasangan yang sangat cocok. And the worst part is, your wife accused you for many things.

But, I will not interfere about your problems. Kamu selesaikan lah dengan cara yang dewasa. Whatever it is, I will always support you. Lagi best, kamu dapat title Duda Hangat. Yeah I have to admit it. Kamu memang Duda Hangat.;)...

Tapi semalam, sekali lagi saya tersentap, sebab kamu suka dekat girl lain. Saya rasa sedih. Kamu cakap girl tu punya kriteria yang kamu inginkan. Kecil, putih, pandai bergaya, dan berambut panjang.

Tapi sayang, girl tu milik orang. Kamu cakap, kamu tidak bertuah. Kerana tidak memilikinya. Namun, kamu pesan, bahawa kalau suatu hari nanti, girl itu solo, kamu sedia untuk mengisi kekosongan hatinya. Hurmmm...

Andai girl itu adalah saya...

Kamu = Pasha (Vokalis UNGU).

I adore him so much. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

5 Days

Huh I feel damn exhausted.

Dah sampai UPSI.

What a best-fun balik kampung I had.

5 hari balik Pahang.

But its really a good getaway for me.

Away from all the madness, chaotic, hurt feelings, and blablabla...

I will tell you later guys.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


They are so hottttt!!! SALUTE!!!
We won this award.
My cra-zee and hot friends.

Hurmmm I dont know what to do since, I dont go to class. So I made up my mind to share with all of you these yummy pictures. Please take these meals. :)

First Day

Yesterday was his first practical day.

I messaged and wished him luck.

He replied.

But Im too sleepy to reply it ASAP.

I just replied it after 30 minutes.

Everything seems so odd.

But I will try to get back all that like before.

Off To...

Its the day!!!

I will be off to my hometown.

Cant wait.

And now its 11:03AM.

I skip the Demography's class. :)

Today is just a presentation day.

I already done my presentation.

Oh ya, I just logged in to my Safra's FB account.

And hell yeah, accidentally I saw his page.

Feel empty.

Just let it go.



Sunday, April 4, 2010

I Am Ok Now...I Guess

I am ok now.
Eventhough I dont feel like I am ok.
Sometimes my heart beats so fast.
Dont know why.

Arrrghhh I hate this feeling.
Bit by bit I tried to forget him.
But I know how come I forget him, because we are very close before, and still standing.

I dont want let him go.
But I have no power to stop all this happen.

Is it the way that I choose is the best for me?
Am I very sure that I wont get hurt?
Am I strong enough to face it all?

Who is going to catch me when Im fall?
Arghhh no worries.
Because I got a lot of wonderful people who are willing to be with me whenever I need them.
Thanks so much to those wonderful people.
Without you I might be fall and injured so badly.

If Im fall,
Please hold me,
Treat me,
Heal me,
So that I can stand up again.

Teach me for the best,
Guide me to the best,
And Allah's willing I'll be the BEST among the REST.


Bagaimana kalau satu hari nanti saya tiada di sisi awak?
Bagaimana kalau satu hari nanti kita bukan macam kita yang sekarang?
Kuatkah kita untuk menghadapinya?

Awak pernah tak fikir akan hal itu?
Awak pernah bayangkan tak apa akan jadi?

Are we going to be like a TOTALLY strangers?
Are we willing to let it happen?

Kalau suatu hari nanti saya tidak lagi di sisi awak,
Saya mahu awak :
* Menikmati hidup ini dengan sebaiknya.
* Jaga hati dan perasaan orang di sekeliling, sama ada awak kenal rapat atau tidak.
* Jujur. Jujur itu sangat penting. Kerana hanya kejujuran yang boleh buat orang percaya pada awak. Once you break the trust that people put on you, you'll never get it back.
* Jangan pernah lupa akan kenangan kita. Kerana ianya akan kekal untuk selamanya.
* Jangan lupakan saya.

Muslim Woman

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Hari ini genap 1000 kawan dalam Facebook. :)
Nak tahu siapa yang ke-1000?
My 'ex'.
Geli betul lah nak sebut 'ex' tu.
Sebab macam tak je.
Walaupun setahun kami 'berkawan'.
Tapi kami bawa haluan masing-masing dengan cara yang baik.
Like adults.

I Will Skip The Class

Pheewwww what a relieved!!! Tadi Zafi call lah lecturer untuk Tarian Tradisional. Tapi 2 kali cannot be reached. A few minutes after that, she called me back.

Zafi cakap lah tak boleh datang assessement next week, sebab balik kampung. Lagipun, minggu depan, dah tak ada class. Masa tu suara Cik Muhaini, lembut je. Ha senang hati Zafi. Shukran Jazilan Ya ALLAH sebab permudahkan urusanku.

Cik Muhaini cakap, its ok, but I have to attend exam with other students. Maksudnya students yang tak boleh datang minggu depan juga. And we will be seating the exam in examination's week.

Everything I do, is for my sister. Safra. Ha ingat senang ke nak skip class tu. Then kena ganti dengan exam pula tu. This is because I dont want spoil Safra's birthday celebration. Family is way more important for me than other things.

Happy Birthday : Sweet 17

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Nur Safra Zarifah, (adoiii panjang nama, ok sambung )
Happy birthday to youuuu!!!!!

Today is my sister's birthday. You are a big girl now. Matured. Sekejap je masa berlalu. Dah 17 tahun ye. Kalau boleh biarlah kematangan mu itu seiring dengan usia. Atau lebih matang dari usia. So that people proud of you.

Nak tahu attitude Safra ni macam mana? Dia anak yang ketiga, jadi kalau anak ketiga orang cakap macam berangin sikit. Kan? Safra ni kadang-kadang cepat juga tersentapnya. Tak boleh orang salah cakap sikit, mula lah membawa diri. Hehehe..

Tapi bila masa dia jenis tak kisah tu yang best. Kalau orang kacau dia, dia buat tak tahu je la. Sebab dia dah malas nak melayan. Dia hanya cakap, urmm ok ok.

Safra ni tak kedekut pun. Then kalau Zafi minta tolong ambilkan barang, dia akan ambilkan and hantar lah kat Zafi. Padahal bukan jauh pun barang tu. Tapi saja malas ambil. Hahahaha.

Then lagi satu dia ni suka mencuba dalam masakan. Zafi?? Huh Zafi pula suka mencuba dalam MAKAN. Dia suka buat kek batik dan pudding marble. Sedap tau!!! Zafi hanya makan. Malas nak buat. Kalau tiba-tiba rasa nak makan, Zafi minta Safra buatkan. Tapi tak lah selalu. Safra pula akan cakap, beli barang dulu kalau nak suruh orang buatkan. Alah benda senang je tu. Lepas Zafi pergi beli barang, tunggu je lah Safra buat 'order' tu. Lagipun bukan jauh rumah dengan market. Jalan kaki je.

Semalam Abang Ain called, dia cakap this Saturday, Daddy nak celebrate birthday Safra. Im so excited dude!!! Lagi lah tak sabar nak balik Pahang. But.......but....

But when I went to dancing class today, my teacher told me that we got an assessement next week!!!!! Geeeeshhhh!!!!! Spoiled!!! I just dont understand what assessement all about??? Nak kata test dah lama habis test. Result pun dah keluar. Ni nak nilai apa lagi?

Habis lah planning Zafi nak celebrate birthday Safra. Alahhh macam mana ni? Allah what should I do? Please help me. Tolong lembutkan hati my choreographer. Zafi nak balik juga rumah. Tak kira tak kira tak kira. ( Habis kalau tak kira, nak apa?? Free of charge?? )

*Nanti pic Safra, Zafi akan upload kemudian.*

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ada Aku Kisah???

Before that please let me use the word 'aku'.

Panas betul hati aku Maghrib tadi. Entah macam mana ada seorang makhluk ni, dia add aku then aku approve je lah. Sebab aku fikir, tak kan orang add, kita nak ignore. Silap-silap nanti dapat lak message merepek merapu pula kan.

Lepas aku approve tu dia bagi komen kat new friendship macam ni :

Salam. Thanks because add me. Jangan sombong-sombong ok. Kalau tak, you out from my list.

What's the fish??? Kau add aku ke aku add kau weyh? Aku pun balas la :

Salam. Erkkk Im not add you, but you are adding me up first. Thank you.

Then mahkluk tu balas pula :

Erkkk dah tau orang add tu tak reti-reti nak cakap thanks ke ape ke.

Wahhh hati aku mahu tak panas. Mind your words yah. Apalagi aku dah tak balas komen tu, aku terus REMOVE je dari list. PADAN MUKA KAU!!! Ingat aku hairan sangat ke? Aku tak kenal kau, then nak suruh aku komen-komen kat kau. Tak beradab pula tu caranya. Puas hati aku.

March : The Mix's Month

What date is today? What??? Dont know? Today's date is 2nd April. Yeah its April!!! *sigh* How fast the times flew. Dah bulan April rupanya.

Ok this time I will sum up what had happened in March.

* My birthday. Im so glad because there were so many people wished me. Either my friends in Uni, from previous school and also from FB. Thanks so much guys for all the wishes and the Doas. Hopefully all of your wishes and Doas are still alive for many years to come. ALLAH bless you. :)

* My friends's birthday. Jiji, Lienda, who else hah?? I cant remember. Ouuuhhhh and yahhhh his's birthday. Almost forgot.

* The saddest part is, about 'us'. Need to tell it again? I dont think so. We, I mean ME, had to face the hard situation. Everything SCREWED UP!!! I hate it....INFINITY.

* 29th March. What a surprise day for me ;

  • Got SOMETHING SPECIAL from my family. My own. :) . THANK YOU.
  • He messaged me. As always, he texted me with melting word. In proper language, he showed his appreciation towards me. I just thought randomly that he dont want to lost me, but, at the same time he wants the girl.
Thats all I guess. Overall March brought me sweet-sour-bitter-bless memories. Maybe this is the phrase of matured in my life. Just take it Zafi. It will makes you become strong.