
Showing posts with label Quote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quote. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2011



♥ I want him to take me and go together to a trip not like any other's a trip to Allah's house to the hajj...

♥ I want him to wake me up at the dark night to spend all the night stand together between Allah's hands...
♥ I want him not to lost the fajr pray and wake me up everyday to pray the fajr together and encourage me and our child to do that....

♥ I want him to have a glittery face from the faith....

♥ I want him to be insist on the modesty recipe such as our Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.....

♥ I want him to control his angry , and not to spent a long time far away from me when he gets angry with me....

♥ I want him to deserve my pure heart that i gave it to him only....

♥ I want him to come one day and whisper in my ears and say : i love you... love you forever ♥

Friday, April 15, 2011

Allah ~ Love

~ ALLAH always has the right time for everything.
Our Duas will take effect at the time best suitable to our needs. We just have to
trust ALLAH. HE knows what's the best for us at what time. Just be patient.

~ Trust just in Allah,ask just Allah for help,follow the signs which He sends you,just He can send you the right people to be between them. Just He can help you that is good for you in this life and in the life after. Just Allah knows and He knows the best!

~ I want to die with my forehead on the ground, the Sunnah in my heart, ALLAH on my mind, Quran on my tongue, and tears in my eyes.

~ Hold the people you love close.. because if you fail to show them what they mean to you.. one day you may lose them.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I smile and seem carefree, there is no one who misses you more than me.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Itulah Tandanya Lelaki Sayang

Apabila seorang lelaki benar-benar jatuh cinta dan setia pada kekasihnya dengan ikhlas, perubahan sikapnya dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Hati lelaki yang dianggap keras selama ini, tiba-tiba menjadi selembut kapas. Bahkan lelaki yang mabuk cinta sanggup berkorban dan melakukan apa sahaja untuk kekasihnya. Sekeras manapun hati lelaki ia akan mengalirkan air mata apabila hatinya dilukai. Namun kaum wanita janganlah mengambil kesempatan di atas pengorbanan yang dilakukan lelaki untuk mu itu.

Sekiranya kamu menyedari teman lelaki kamu sentiasa bersungguh-sungguh melakukan sesuatu untuk kamu dengan rela hati, nyata kamu tidak silap memilih teman hidup. Situasi ini terang-terangan sudah menjelaskan perkara sebenar. Dia bukanlah jenis orang yang berdamping denganmu sekadar suka-suka ataupun untuk mengambil kesempatan,tetapi atas dasar cinta yang sebenar. Betapa beruntungnya kamu.

Selain itu, jika teman lelakimu sentiasa buat hatimu senang dan terhibur, itu tandanya dia inginkan perhubungan yang serius daripada kamu. Sudah tentu dalam sesebuah hubungan kita inginkan sesuatu kenangan yang manis untuk dikenang. Jadi tidak hairanlah lelaki sebegini sentiasa inginkan suasana ceria setiap kali berdampingan dengan orang yang dianggap istimewa dalam hidupnya. Padanya, sudah menjadi tanggungjawabnya untuk membuatkan hati orang yang disayangi sentiasa senang dan terhibur.

Jangan kamu anggap teman lelakimu seorang yang kuat membebel sekiranya setiap masa dia cuba memberi kamu nasihat. Ingat, nasihat bermaksud mengingati. Dia akan sentiasa mengingati orang yang dia sayangi agar hubungan yang terjalin berjalan lancar tanpa sebarang masalah. Itu tandanya dia amat menyayangi perhubungan di antara kamu. Jadi, terbukalah mendengar nasihatnya.

Cemburu! Satu sikap yang paling tidak disukai oleh kebanyakan insan yang bercinta. Namun jika diamati, cemburu sebenarnya tanda seseorang itu terlalu menyayangi kamu dan tidak mahu hati kamu berubah. Bukan bermaksud dia ingin mengongkong kebebasanmu, tetapi dia cuba mengambil berat setiap apa yang dilakukan oleh kekasihnya pada setiap inci. Jika kamu setia padanya, tidak salahkan dia cemburu asalkan tidak cemburu buta!

Jika sudah sayang, macam-macam akan kamu fikirkan termasuklah bimbang akan kehilanganya. Begitu juga jika teman lelakimu menyatakan dia selalu memikir dan risaukan kesudahan hubungan kamu. Ini bermakna dia selalu fikirkan mengenai hubungan kamu dan bagaimana untuk menyelamatkannya dari berakhir begitu sahaja. Kalau boleh biarlah ke jinjang pelamin, baru berbaloi!

Kamu pasti pernah melalui situasi di mana teman lelakimu marah dan sentiasa curiga setiap kali kamu bercerita atau berjumpa mengenai lelaki lain di hadapannya. Jangan risau. Bukan bermakna si dia ingin mengongkong perjalanan hidupmu, tetapi risau sekiranya kamu mula berpaling tadah apalagi setelah berjumpa dengan lelaki yang boleh menjadi pencabar terdekatnya. Ini tandanya cintanya begitu mendalam terhadap mu..

Ada juga lelaki yang cepat berasa sensitif dan mudah marah sekiranya apa yang diperkatakannya tidak diambil perhatian, lebihlebih lagi dari orang yang dia sayangi. Baginya kamu bersikap acuh tidak acuh. Hal ini boleh menimbulkan perasaan cemburu meluap-luap, tambahan pula sekiranya kamu boleh menjadi pendengar setia apabila berdampingan dengan orang lain. Pasti dia merasakan dirinya tidak berguna pada kamu.

Lucu tapi hakikatnya begitulah apabila teman lelakimu berperangai tidak ubah seperti anak-anak kecil semata-mata untuk mendapat perhatian daripadamu. Si dia mahu bermanja dan inginkan kekasih hatinya melayannya lebih daripada orang lain yang pernah kamu sayang. Kalau dia merajuk hati, sesekali cubalah untuk memujuknya. Jangan pula kamu sangka manjanya itu mengada-ngada. Bukan senang lelaki sanggup mengubah sikap machonya kepada seorang lelaki yang berperawakan manja. Hanya untuk orang yang disayangi sahaja.

Kamu hadapi masalah dan orang pertama yang datang membantumu adalah teman lelakimu. Tandanya dia tidak mahu melihat kamu susah dan rasa bertanggungjawab untuk membantu. Si dia akan menjadi orang yang paling rajin dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja asalkan kamu senang dan tidak dibebani kerja ataupun masalah. Beruntungnya!

Kamu memberitahunya yang kamu akan ke satu-satu tempat untuk satu jangka masa yang agak lama. Tiba-tiba dia jadi menggelabah dan tidak menentu. Itu tandanya si dia langsung tidak boleh berjauhan darimu dan kamu tidak perlu ragu lagi tentang kesetiaannya.

Sekiranya teman lelakimu sentiasa bertanyakan soalan yang sama, “you masih sayang i?”, jangan anggap itu satu persoalan yang membosankan. Itu tandanya si dia tidak mahu kasih sayang kamu kepadanya menjadi luntur. Sebab itulah, kalimah tersebut sentiasa diulang-ulang agar kamu tahu betapa si dia sentiasa mahu kamu ingat diri kamu sudah dimiliki olehnya.

Si dia sanggup menitiskan air mata demi kekasihnya.. Bukan semua lelaki anggup menitiskan air mata hanya untuk seorang perempuan. Tidakkah kamu terharu melihat seorang lelaki yang sanggup menitiskan air mata demi kamu. Itu membuktikan cintanya begitu kuat buatmu.

Dan pengorbanan paling besar sekal gus menjelaskan lagi betapa si dia menyayangi dirimu apabila teman lelakimu lebih mementingkan diri kamu berbanding dirinya. Apa sahaja yang dilakukan semata-mata untuk mu. Asalkan kamu sentiasa selesa dan berasa selamat setiap kali bersama dirinya. Jadi, HARGAILAH Lelaki dan terimalah mereka seadanya.... Berilah diri kamu peluang untuk kembali mencintai seseorang yang bergelar LELAKI.

* Thanks Allah kerana mengurniakan aku Dia. *

* Credit to *

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Semua Benda Berubah. Tapi Hati...???

Over time things change, but never the heart,
can't seem to move on, still torn apart.

Offers to marry, someone to take care of the two,
I'll never be a good wife, to none other than you.

Greatful for Allah, that He is in our lives,
without Him I know I would never be able to survive.

I hope for Bliss
even still,
its you I miss.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I Want To Be Like This

A young girl I know who is much in love,
she's always infatuated with the idea of love.

She sees couples holding hands,
she comes to wonder,
when will it be my turn...

She wants to keep that heart full of infatuation,
for the right man, the wonderful husband.

She sees handsome men with beautiful women,
do I even look like anyone of them?
She gets envious of these people,
hoping that she could be just like them.

Am I not beautiful or smart enough?
Because I'm being ignored and they'd always blabber stuff.

O dear God, help me please,
correct my intention and put my heart at ease.

Make me tawakkal and redha,
make me dependent on You, ya Allah.

I don't want to be envious of these worldly things,
please console me, tell me I'm doing the right thing.

Tell me it's right to keep first my love,
for You ya Rabbi, and for the man I love.

When he comes to take my hand,
I promise to be the best I can.
A wife, a daughter, a mother and a child,
of course being Your servant is the most worthwhile.

* From Muslim Marriage FB Page *

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Puitis Sangat Poems Ni :D

Your Name

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.

- Jessica Blade -

Love Is ...

Love is the greatest feeling,
Love is like a play,
Love is what I feel for you,
Each and every day,
Love is like a smile,
Love is like a song,
Love is a great emotion,
That keeps us going strong,
I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,
I love the way I keep loving,
Like a love I can't control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine,
I love you with all my heart,
And I have poured my entire soul into you,
Right from the very start.

- Meghan -

My Love

My love is like an ocean
It goes down so deep
My love is like a rose
Whose beauty you want to keep.

My love is like a river
That will never end
My love is like a dove
With a beautiful message to send.

My love is like a song
That goes on and on forever
My love is like a prisoner
It's to you that I surrender.

- Tasha Shores -

Love Me

Love me in the Springtime, when all is green and new,
Love me in the Summer, when the sky is oh so blue,
Love me in the Autumn, when the leaves are turning brown,
Love me in the Winter, when the snow is falling down.

Love me when I'm happy, and even when I'm sad,
Love me when I'm good, or when I'm oh so bad,
Love me when I'm pretty, or if my face is plain,
Love me when I'm feeling good, or when I'm feeling pain.

Love me always darlin', in the rain or shining sun,
Love me always darlin', after all is said and done,
Love me always darlin', until all our life is through,
Love me always darlin', for I'll be lovin' you!

- Amanda Nicole Martinez -

Perfection in my Eyes

All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
And for us to be together, to never be apart.

No one else in the world can even compare,
You're perfect and so is this love that we share.

We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I love you more than I ever thought I could.

I promise to give you all I have to give,
I'll do anything for you as long as I live.

In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
By the way you look at me I know we will last.

I hope that one day you'll come to realize,
How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.

- Ashley Borden -

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Adore You

I never can find the right words to say,
I just go with the flow each & everyday.

I never knew there could be love like this,
In a world full of chaos its always you i miss.

If there was one thing I could ask Allah for,
I would tell him that its you i adore.

My heart skips a beat when i hear the door,
because i know its you coming back for more.

I will make dua for you and me,
that we can be in Jennah and always be.

I will love you forever,
you have the key to my heart,
you unlocked it so now we can never part.

My eyes are full with tears,
but I'm not going to cry,
I just cant wait for the day that i die.

The sooner that happens,
the sooner it will be.

With Allah's mercy,
Just You and Me.

* Credit To Muslim Marriage FB Page *

Tak Sama

And that is why I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!

Friday, December 24, 2010


In a woman's life, there are only 2 things that has to be perfect. Her wedding and her children.

* Because I am a woman so I am in. *

Saturday, December 18, 2010


.Only me.


I’ve always been told to share my blessings and I’ve been generous. But when I met you, I said to myself, “What the heck? You’re one of the few blessings I don’t wanna share with anyone else.”

Walking under the rain feels so lonely and cold. But if you were there beside me to share the warmth of your love then I would want to stay under the rain for the rest of my life.

If ever I was given the chance to start my life all over again, I would rather not accept it. Why not? Who knows? In that second start, I may not have known you at all.

If you ask me how much I love you, I won’t say anything. I’ll just take your hand, fill the gaps between your fingers and hold on to you until all your doubts are gone.

I wish you were with me so I can tell you directly how much you mean to me. I’ll hold you tight and hug you near my heart so that you can hear what it’s trying to whisper, “You’re the reason why I’m beating.”

I never intended to be the most important person in your life, that’s just too much to ask. But I do hope that I’d cross your mind and you’d smile thinking that I touched your life in a special way.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Love Allah and Definitely HE Will Love Us Back

Perempuan yang suci
Adalah perempuan yang dijaga oleh Allah
Tidak sedikit pun Allah membenarkan
Mana-mana lelaki ajnabi yang fasik menyentuh dirinya
Walaupun hatinya…
Kerana Allah teramat mencintainya…

Tetapi andai kita bergelumang
Dengan cinta lelaki yang palsu imannya

Di mana Allah untuk menjaga kita?
Allah seakan melepaskan kita
Kepada seorang manusia
Yang lebih banyak mengecewakan kita

Jika Allah datangkan kesedaran dalam diri
Supaya meninggalkan cinta seorang lelaki yang munafik
Itu bermakna Allah mahu mengambil kita kembali
Untuk dijaga-Nya, dilindungi…

Mengapa masih ragu-ragu?

Kekuatan usah ditunggu tapi harus dicari
Hargailah di atas kesempatan yang Allah beri…


Ahhh the word in this note made me melting :P :P :P . Wish I am that lucky lady ;) .

Monday, December 13, 2010


Every time HE calls my name, I feel so alive and up to the sky ;) .

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Apa-Apa Saja


Worth My Time

A guy with brains & charismatic makes me high. Sweet talkers are just plain jerks. I'd rather wait longer for the 'perfect man' than settle for any pesky guys. All I need is a 'real man' who can handle me very well.. lead me and a guy who is actually worth my time.