Stalkers. What do people know about this word? Some might take it from positive side, while some might take it from negative side. Dari sudut positif mungkin boleh tafsirkan orang yang stalk tu suka kat seseorang. Lebih kurang macam admirer la. Tapi kalau negatif pula? Mesti lah boleh buat orang lain tak selesa. Eh ada pengalaman ke di 'stalk'?..hehehe..
Entah la kalau boleh dikira sebagai stalk. Sebab banyak sangat perkara yang mengelirukan berlaku. Hurmm contoh mutual friends yang sama. Memang lah boleh jadi dia yang add dulu. Tapi macam mana kalau masa Zafi add atau approve request tu Zafi tengok tak de pun nama dia. Then suddenly when someone approved my request or approved by me tiba-tiba ada dia juga? Usually Zafi akan tengok friends's list. Tapi tak semua la. Kalau kawan mereka dalam 100 atau 200 lebih tu boleh lagi lah Zafi tengok. Nanti orang ingat tak de kerja pula nak tengok seorang-seorang friends's list.
Lepas tu pula lagi musykil kalau tiba-tiba ada yang add tanpa mutual friends. Dari mana mereka tahu. Could be search by name. Tapi mesti lah banyak kan. Entah nama Zafi tempat ke berapa pun tak tau. Tapi nak tanya kat si penge'add' tu malas pula. But no one knows what will happen in the future. Entah macam mana ada sekali tu terfikir nak tengok albums si penge'add' ni. Sebab Zafi ni malas sikit nak tengok profile orang. Masa tengok albums tu la terperasan ada muka-muka yang dikenali. Tettt!!!! Automatically I knew everything. I can guess everything. Allah shows me all answers that I need.
No need someone to explain it. Because there's no one knows the whole situation. It's so complicated. It's enough for me to see it by my eyes. Sometimes action is more worth than speak. From the direction of my heart and my instinct, I found out all the rebus that I always wondering. What should I do? Nothing I guess. Because I think, nothing will change. But who may know what will we face in the future right?. We might not know may be it's a sign of something good that The Almighty wants to give to us. I just leave it to The Almighty to do what is the best and perfect for me. Everything happened for a reason. And I believe I will find the reason one day. I wish I will get the good, the perfect, and not to forget, the best 'REASON'.
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