Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Happy 1st Messaging Day
Geeshhhh I almost forgot! Today is our very 1st Messagin-niversary! Hahaha...Yeap, he messaged me on this date last year. That's why I remember it. Hopefully everything is going smooth, going strong, and on the right track. Ouh ya, and still counting the messagin-niversary for many years to come. ;)
Back then, you hurted myself so bad. But now, everything changed. I wish you never do it again. Jaga hati ini bersama-sama.
All of your sweet love songs are like my lullaby and my spirit when I wake up in the morning. Listen to those songs is kind of therapy for me.
Today is a last day of August. How time flies. Want to know how August entertained me? Well I got to say that August had been so much kind towards me. August brought me happiness. Needless to say, I'm so happy with what I have and I wish to Allah to guide me and his's heart. Ameen.
Duduk Dalam Laut
Monday, August 30, 2010
3 Hari
Dah 3 hari tak berblog. Banyak jugak yang berlaku sepanjang 3 hari ni. Iftar dengan housemates. Ye lah since this is our final Ramadhan in here. Next year Insha Allah kat tempat lain pulak. Masa nak balik, dia tiba-tiba message. Urmm nak dekat jam 10PM masa tu, bila fikir-fikir dia jarang message bila dah nak lewat macam tu. Then he told me, dia hanin. Hahaha. Masa kerja boleh lak hanin, lepas tu terus message. Sayang awak la.
Then dengan kena food poisoningnya. Sebab makan udang yang dah sakit. Apa lagi berulang-alik la ke toilet. But seriously, I feel so blissful sebab dia sentiasa ada. Tanya my tummy dah ok ke. Kejutkan bangun sahoor. Bila tanya kenapa kejutkan awal setengah jam, dia cakap dia tak tidur. Siapkan projek analisis. Kesian kamu. :)
Ouh, hari Sabtu lepas, one of my friend tanya betul ke saya nak kahwin. Hahahahaha. Sebab kawan tu baca at my FB wall yang dipost oleh my little sister, banyak ditulis pasal me and him. Siap sebut cincin, tunang, bakal suami apa semua lah. Padahal tak pun. But, mana tau kalau betulkan saya dan dia saling menyarung cincin. Urmmm... Dan Lina pun tanya hal yang sama jugak. Jangan risau seorang pun tak akan terlepas dari kisah bahagia saya ini. :)
Then dengan kena food poisoningnya. Sebab makan udang yang dah sakit. Apa lagi berulang-alik la ke toilet. But seriously, I feel so blissful sebab dia sentiasa ada. Tanya my tummy dah ok ke. Kejutkan bangun sahoor. Bila tanya kenapa kejutkan awal setengah jam, dia cakap dia tak tidur. Siapkan projek analisis. Kesian kamu. :)
Ouh, hari Sabtu lepas, one of my friend tanya betul ke saya nak kahwin. Hahahahaha. Sebab kawan tu baca at my FB wall yang dipost oleh my little sister, banyak ditulis pasal me and him. Siap sebut cincin, tunang, bakal suami apa semua lah. Padahal tak pun. But, mana tau kalau betulkan saya dan dia saling menyarung cincin. Urmmm... Dan Lina pun tanya hal yang sama jugak. Jangan risau seorang pun tak akan terlepas dari kisah bahagia saya ini. :)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Dua Sempurna
Salaam and Happy Nuzul Al-Quran to all of ya! What a beautiful day. Hari Nuzul Al-Quran jatuh pada hari Jumaat kan? And 1st raya nanti pun hari Jumaat jugak. Nice anyway. Oh ya, pagi-pagi lagi dah dengar this song. One of my friend in FB, (which is, me myself don't know her, just added-approved friend), post this song to her link. I heard it and ouhh this song is simple but deep meaning. :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My darling tell me, oh you who has filled me with your affection
Say those who live for you, your soul adores me
My darling, give the love I have been hoping for and the love you've been waiting for
And you were tired until you had found it and you won't forget
My darling, you are the light of my eyes, come here I am waiting and you are all mine
One night away from you feels like a year and I will never taste joy unless you are with me, my darling
My darling, every single night you lived them for me and I lived them for you
Every word I had told you when I was holding you
My darling, every time my eyes see you I am at ease
And I feel I am holding the world in my arms, I am not lacking anything
Say those who live for you, your soul adores me
My darling, give the love I have been hoping for and the love you've been waiting for
And you were tired until you had found it and you won't forget
My darling, you are the light of my eyes, come here I am waiting and you are all mine
One night away from you feels like a year and I will never taste joy unless you are with me, my darling
My darling, every single night you lived them for me and I lived them for you
Every word I had told you when I was holding you
My darling, every time my eyes see you I am at ease
And I feel I am holding the world in my arms, I am not lacking anything
* Keep listening to this song over and over. Great song, great lyric, great singer, great rythm. Thanks to great YOU :)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Here I am,
Lost in the light of the moon,
That comes through my window.
Bathed in blue,
The walls of my memory divides,
The thorns from the roses.
It's you and the roses.
Touch me and I will follow,
In your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow,
As I let you go.
I will find my way
When I see your eyes,
Now I'm living,
In your afterglow.
Here I am,
Lost in the ashes of time,
But who wants tomorrow,
In between,
Longing to hold you again,
I'm caught in your shadow.
I'm losing control.
My mind drifts away,
We only have today.
Touch me and I will follow,
In your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow,
As I let you go.
I will find my way,
I will sacrifice,
'Til the blinding day,
When I see your eyes.
Now I'm living,
In your afterglow [in your afterglow].
When the veils are gone,
As I let you go,
As I let you go.
Touch me and I will follow,
In your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow,
As I let you go.
I will find my way
I will sacrifice,
Now I'm living,
In your afterglow.
Bathed in blue,
The walls of my memory divides,
The thorns from the roses.
It's you who is closest.
Lost in the light of the moon,
That comes through my window.
Bathed in blue,
The walls of my memory divides,
The thorns from the roses.
It's you and the roses.
Touch me and I will follow,
In your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow,
As I let you go.
I will find my way
When I see your eyes,
Now I'm living,
In your afterglow.
Here I am,
Lost in the ashes of time,
But who wants tomorrow,
In between,
Longing to hold you again,
I'm caught in your shadow.
I'm losing control.
My mind drifts away,
We only have today.
Touch me and I will follow,
In your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow,
As I let you go.
I will find my way,
I will sacrifice,
'Til the blinding day,
When I see your eyes.
Now I'm living,
In your afterglow [in your afterglow].
When the veils are gone,
As I let you go,
As I let you go.
Touch me and I will follow,
In your afterglow.
Heal me from all this sorrow,
As I let you go.
I will find my way
I will sacrifice,
Now I'm living,
In your afterglow.
Bathed in blue,
The walls of my memory divides,
The thorns from the roses.
It's you who is closest.
The meaning of AFTERGLOW :
1. The atmospheric glow that remains for a short time after sunset.
2. The light emitted after removal of a source of energy, especially:
a. The glow of an incandescent metal as it cools.
b. The emission of light from a phosphor after removal of excitation.
3. The comfortable feeling following a pleasant experience.
4. A lingering impression of past glory or success.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Not Lacking
Every time my eyes see you, I am at ease.
And I feel I am holding the world in my arms,
I am not lacking anything.
And I feel I am holding the world in my arms,
I am not lacking anything.
Sem 1 - Sem 5
Jiji : Eh kau and dia dah berapa lama ye? Dari sem...???
ME : Satu. Sekarang dah sem 5. Ehhh tak sedar la dah hampir 2 tahun kita orang kenal.
Jiji : Uishhh lama tu.
ME : Ha ah. Dah macam telenovela pulak aku rasa.
Jiji : Kau je lah yang bertahan. Aku hhmmppttt *lupa lak Jiji cakap apa*... ;)
ME : Satu. Sekarang dah sem 5. Ehhh tak sedar la dah hampir 2 tahun kita orang kenal.
Jiji : Uishhh lama tu.
ME : Ha ah. Dah macam telenovela pulak aku rasa.
Jiji : Kau je lah yang bertahan. Aku hhmmppttt *lupa lak Jiji cakap apa*... ;)
Bul@t rindu p@kc!k...
P@kc!k rindu bul@t...
* This message has been sent by HIM to my youngerst sister, Wana. *
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ye Ke?

Tadi entah macam mana terscroll blog siapa entah. Best. Pasal his life in London. Macam mana boleh terjumpa blog tu? Ala saya men'google' pasal waktu iftar di O***rd. Then mesti lah keluar macam-macam results kan? Terus ada blog ni. Jadi baca punya baca punya baca, jumpa entry ni. Agak-agak betul ke statement di atas tu? Urmmm... ada yang betul ada yang tak kan? Depends.
Here I Am
I'm here to make you laugh again
trust me, leave your fears behind you and you'll see
here I am with a kiss burning my lips
is for you, can change your life, let me in
I ask to the sun that a blue star
travel until to you and his light made you fall in love
Here I am, opening you my heart
filling your lack of love, closing the path to the pain
do not fear I will take care of you, just accept me
I am here to give you my strength and my breath
and help you to paint butterflies in the dark, will be real
I want to be the one who revive in you a new feeling
and teaches you to believe and surrender again without measured the hugs you give
I pray to God, a touch of inspiration
to say what you hope to hear from me
Here I am, opening you my heart
filling your lack of love, closing the path to the pain
do not fear I will take care of you, just accept me
Give me your wings, I will heal 'em
and in my hand I invite you to fly
Here I am
(here I am)
opening you my heart
(ay, my heart)
filling your lack of love
(your lack of love)
closing the path to the pain
(to the pain)
do not fear I will take care of you
(I will take care of you)
I will love you always
trust me, leave your fears behind you and you'll see
here I am with a kiss burning my lips
is for you, can change your life, let me in
I ask to the sun that a blue star
travel until to you and his light made you fall in love
Here I am, opening you my heart
filling your lack of love, closing the path to the pain
do not fear I will take care of you, just accept me
I am here to give you my strength and my breath
and help you to paint butterflies in the dark, will be real
I want to be the one who revive in you a new feeling
and teaches you to believe and surrender again without measured the hugs you give
I pray to God, a touch of inspiration
to say what you hope to hear from me
Here I am, opening you my heart
filling your lack of love, closing the path to the pain
do not fear I will take care of you, just accept me
Give me your wings, I will heal 'em
and in my hand I invite you to fly
Here I am
(here I am)
opening you my heart
(ay, my heart)
filling your lack of love
(your lack of love)
closing the path to the pain
(to the pain)
do not fear I will take care of you
(I will take care of you)
I will love you always
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Hari ni puasa yang kelima. Ahad. Bangun awal. Sebab semalam dah banyak tidur. Mata pun dah macam mata panda. Hahaha. Bosan kan? Saya rindu dia. Semalam message dia after balik dari terawikh. But he didn't reply my message. Maybe dia fikir dah lewat and saya dah tidur kot. Biasa lah, lain-lain waktu. Hurmmm... Hopefully, dia pulak message saya hari ni. Heeee
Ehhhh baru saya teringat, ( pelupa la you ni Nurul ), did I ever showed you Nur Batrisyia Aleya? I did mention her last January right? Tapi tak tunjuk lagi picture baby tu. Nak tengok kan? Haaa tengok lah. She's 7 months old now. Mata besar betul. Bulat pulak tu. Tapi bibir kecil je. Macam kartun Jepun. Hahaha. Manis sangat Seisya ni. Sedap peluk. Rasa nak cubit-cubit pipi tu. Gerammm!!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
"Fifi Zafirah sweetie, keep it up! Now you're making a positive difference in your admirer's life."
Dah lama kan saya tak postkan pasal Amora? Urmmm hari ni tetibe lak rasa nak tunjukkan apa yang Makcik Amora cakap. Keep growing to us ya ! ;)
Hopefully he keeps moving to positive changes. Sebab akhir-akhir ni dia ada tunjukkan kekecewaannya pada kisah lalunya. Melalui lagu-lagu. He told me that every single song represents different stories, a different time in his life, and a different messages, he was trying to get across. Then I asked him, is he in sad mood. Dia terkejut sebab saya dapat kesan perubahan itu. Saya cakaplah, that's normal. And I keep motivate him. Don't stay too long at bitter things, because you might lose the sweetest ones. Be positive. Jangan buang masa pada kisah lalu yang menyakitkan.
Hopefully he keeps moving to positive changes. Sebab akhir-akhir ni dia ada tunjukkan kekecewaannya pada kisah lalunya. Melalui lagu-lagu. He told me that every single song represents different stories, a different time in his life, and a different messages, he was trying to get across. Then I asked him, is he in sad mood. Dia terkejut sebab saya dapat kesan perubahan itu. Saya cakaplah, that's normal. And I keep motivate him. Don't stay too long at bitter things, because you might lose the sweetest ones. Be positive. Jangan buang masa pada kisah lalu yang menyakitkan.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Bercakap Dengan Bulan & Jarak Jauh
~ I know you're somewhere out there. Somewhere far away. I want you back. ~
~ All I have is this picture in a frame. That I hold close to see your face every day. With you is where I'd rather be. ~
Ni lah company kami nanti. Hahahaha. Tak pasal. Sebenarnya macam ni, masa dalam bas nak balik kolej, terserempak dengan satu lori ni. Then tertulis la word tu. Terus saya terfikir ehhh macam gabungan nama kami pulak! Hahaha. Ok merepek! :P
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Mad At Myself
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Awak Adalah Keajaiban Saya
Malam ni air mata saya tumpah lagi. Buat kesekian kalinya. I received your mail. But, I don't know why I must cry. You didn't write anything that could make me sad. But, I can feel something...that I can't explain. Plus, the moment I read your mail, I am listening to Guy Sebastian's song. For times. Perfect song. Perfect time. Perfect YOU. I will wait what you want to tell me. No rushing.
[Verse 1]
It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light
Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies
There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...
My dreams came true, when i found you
I found you, my miracle...
If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
[Verse 2]
Standing here before you, feels like i've been born again
Every breath is your love, every heartbeat speaks your name...
[Bridge 2]
My dreams came true, right here in front of you
My miracle...
If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
[Bridge 3]
Brought me here to be with you,
I'll be forever grateful (oh forever Faithful)
My dreams came true
When I found you
My miracle...
If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
Yes they brought me here...
If you could feel, the tenderness i feel...
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light
Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies
There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...
My dreams came true, when i found you
I found you, my miracle...
If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
[Verse 2]
Standing here before you, feels like i've been born again
Every breath is your love, every heartbeat speaks your name...
[Bridge 2]
My dreams came true, right here in front of you
My miracle...
If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
[Bridge 3]
Brought me here to be with you,
I'll be forever grateful (oh forever Faithful)
My dreams came true
When I found you
My miracle...
If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
Yes they brought me here...
If you could feel, the tenderness i feel...
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
Til' all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw wink, no
I've been on the brink, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
My god, amazing how we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Who's driving shiny big black cars
And everyday I see the news
All the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises
Just write it into an album
Singing straight, too cold
I don't really like my flow, no, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away, All my secrets away
:: To YOU ::
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
Til' all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw wink, no
I've been on the brink, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
My god, amazing how we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Who's driving shiny big black cars
And everyday I see the news
All the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises
Just write it into an album
Singing straight, too cold
I don't really like my flow, no, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away, All my secrets away
:: To YOU ::
Midnight Message
I was wondering when you will message me. A few moments later, (wavin' flag's message tone), your name appeared in my inbox. I smiled all the way. Plus, you never message me after midnight. It's kind of surprise. I guess you missed me huh? ;)
I think I have to sleep. Because there are too many spelling errors while I'm typing this entry. Night everyone!
I think I have to sleep. Because there are too many spelling errors while I'm typing this entry. Night everyone!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Lately laptop saya asyik buat hal la. Dengan virus yang beranak-ranaknya. Hari Selasa yang lepas dah hantar ke Pusat ICT then I took it on Wednesday. But yesterday morning, my laptop even can't on. Pfffttt + _______ +.
Assignments berlambak-lambak lagi tak siap. Paling hampir submitnya this Tuesday. Why is everything so complicated???? Lepas satu, satu masalah yang datang. Haih...
Tolonglah lepas ni jangan ada lagi masalah. Saya nak setelkan semua assignments ni dulu. Oh ya hari ni 6 August kan? Ha lagi 4 hari waranti untuk motherboard akan tamat. But, I hope my laptop boleh bertahan sampai habis semester ni. Urmmmm
Assignments berlambak-lambak lagi tak siap. Paling hampir submitnya this Tuesday. Why is everything so complicated???? Lepas satu, satu masalah yang datang. Haih...
Tolonglah lepas ni jangan ada lagi masalah. Saya nak setelkan semua assignments ni dulu. Oh ya hari ni 6 August kan? Ha lagi 4 hari waranti untuk motherboard akan tamat. But, I hope my laptop boleh bertahan sampai habis semester ni. Urmmmm
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I'm listening to IF YOU ARE NOT THE ONE by DANIEL BEDINGFIELD. Dah 3 kali dengar lagu ni tanpa henti. I've listened this song before. But this time, it's different. Because he sent me this song. After I figured out the lyrics, I am so touched and auuuwww yeah I admit I am crying. Hahaha berdrama la pulak kau ni Nurul. Eh tapi betul apa? Bergenang air mata ni. Tanya Jiji. Kan Jiji kan? ;)
Lagu ni masa saya form 1 kot. Dah lama, and I was hoping what if someone gives me this song? And it happened! It's really happened!!! Dah la lirik tu ada sebut wife. Blablabla... Pasal distance pun ada. Agak-agak dia betul-betul ke memaksudkannya? Heeee....
Ni pun tengah message dengan dia. Ditemani lagu indah ini. Ouchhhh feeling la tu. Plus, saya pun pernah bagi dia lagu. Kira sama 'hebat' la lagu yang kami bagi ni. Ada sebut love you bagai. HAHAHAHA...
Bak kata Jiji ( famous you Ji malam ni ) ; Kali ni kau jangan simpan-simpan dah feeling tu. Terus terang je. Baik nasihat anda sedang saya ikuti. :)
Lagu ni masa saya form 1 kot. Dah lama, and I was hoping what if someone gives me this song? And it happened! It's really happened!!! Dah la lirik tu ada sebut wife. Blablabla... Pasal distance pun ada. Agak-agak dia betul-betul ke memaksudkannya? Heeee....
Ni pun tengah message dengan dia. Ditemani lagu indah ini. Ouchhhh feeling la tu. Plus, saya pun pernah bagi dia lagu. Kira sama 'hebat' la lagu yang kami bagi ni. Ada sebut love you bagai. HAHAHAHA...
Bak kata Jiji ( famous you Ji malam ni ) ; Kali ni kau jangan simpan-simpan dah feeling tu. Terus terang je. Baik nasihat anda sedang saya ikuti. :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hari ni semua yang dibuat serba tak kena. Arrrgghhh this must be because the guilty feeling that I feel. Pffttt.. =___=
Oh ye, last Wednesday, me and Jiji had a chit-chat on our way back to Tanjong Malim from KL. I told Jiji about my guy's (hehehe) operation. What made me touched's, Jiji wished like this ; ' Eeee minta-minta lah lepas ni dia tak payah kena bedah apa-apa lagi. '. I just quieted. Thanks Jiji for hoping the same like mine.
Jiji sempat lagi cakap, tak sabar nak tengok 'our story' nanti macam mana. Hahaha I don't know where's the best part. I bet it must be because me and him involve in long distance relationship. Wait up! Relationship? Not a special relationship yet, but I wish we can go more further to a special relationship. *wink-wink*
Tired with all this situation? Sometimes I feel it, but I just take it easy. Kadang-kadang rasa lega jugak sebab lately tak banyak problems yang datang. I mean in our condition. Problems lain tu banyak lah, tapi saya maksudkan yang ini. ;)
Haaaa adik saya, Wana pernah bagitau, dia pernah tanya 'him' after grad nak buat apa. Then he told my sister that he will further his studies in MBA. Wana asked again, kalau dah habis MBA nanti umur dah berapa and nak kerja lagi? Sempat ke nak cari ehem-ehem? He answered, oh ya, I almost forgot it. Why don't adik find me the girl? Then my sister replied, ' there's only one person in my mind. MY SISTER. Which is ME. Hahaha ouhh gosh my little sister is so brave to tell him. And as usual, suddenly he didn't reply the message. Tersentap kot.
Dia jugak pernah cakap yang dia angry pada diri-sendiri. Sebab dia benci kat seseorang ni. He forgave the girl/boy times, but still can't forget what he/she had done towards him. Jadi dia marah kan diri-sendiri kenapa lah dia tiba-tiba benci orang tu. Siapa orang tu? He didn't tell my sister who's that person that he hates. Mula-mula saya fikir mungkin dia bencikan saya, ye lah mana tau if dia pernah berjanji pada diri-sendiri yang dia TAK AKAN jatuh cinta ke dengan saya. Tapi dia cakap dia DAH BEBERAPA KALI MAAFKAN ORANG TU. Urrmmm saya fikir, siapa pulak? Dia pernah maafkan saya? Atas kesalahan apa? Ouhh kalau dia pernah maafkan saya, he should thinks thousand times. I never did wrong towards him. Dia yang pernah broke my feeling lagi ada. Ok tak nak lah cakap the past. But, me myself eager to know who's the person that he meant it.
Oh ye, last Wednesday, me and Jiji had a chit-chat on our way back to Tanjong Malim from KL. I told Jiji about my guy's (hehehe) operation. What made me touched's, Jiji wished like this ; ' Eeee minta-minta lah lepas ni dia tak payah kena bedah apa-apa lagi. '. I just quieted. Thanks Jiji for hoping the same like mine.
Jiji sempat lagi cakap, tak sabar nak tengok 'our story' nanti macam mana. Hahaha I don't know where's the best part. I bet it must be because me and him involve in long distance relationship. Wait up! Relationship? Not a special relationship yet, but I wish we can go more further to a special relationship. *wink-wink*
Tired with all this situation? Sometimes I feel it, but I just take it easy. Kadang-kadang rasa lega jugak sebab lately tak banyak problems yang datang. I mean in our condition. Problems lain tu banyak lah, tapi saya maksudkan yang ini. ;)
Haaaa adik saya, Wana pernah bagitau, dia pernah tanya 'him' after grad nak buat apa. Then he told my sister that he will further his studies in MBA. Wana asked again, kalau dah habis MBA nanti umur dah berapa and nak kerja lagi? Sempat ke nak cari ehem-ehem? He answered, oh ya, I almost forgot it. Why don't adik find me the girl? Then my sister replied, ' there's only one person in my mind. MY SISTER. Which is ME. Hahaha ouhh gosh my little sister is so brave to tell him. And as usual, suddenly he didn't reply the message. Tersentap kot.
Dia jugak pernah cakap yang dia angry pada diri-sendiri. Sebab dia benci kat seseorang ni. He forgave the girl/boy times, but still can't forget what he/she had done towards him. Jadi dia marah kan diri-sendiri kenapa lah dia tiba-tiba benci orang tu. Siapa orang tu? He didn't tell my sister who's that person that he hates. Mula-mula saya fikir mungkin dia bencikan saya, ye lah mana tau if dia pernah berjanji pada diri-sendiri yang dia TAK AKAN jatuh cinta ke dengan saya. Tapi dia cakap dia DAH BEBERAPA KALI MAAFKAN ORANG TU. Urrmmm saya fikir, siapa pulak? Dia pernah maafkan saya? Atas kesalahan apa? Ouhh kalau dia pernah maafkan saya, he should thinks thousand times. I never did wrong towards him. Dia yang pernah broke my feeling lagi ada. Ok tak nak lah cakap the past. But, me myself eager to know who's the person that he meant it.
Happy Birthday : Proud To Have A Brother Like You

BIRTHDAY GUY. Not a boy anymore.

With CikLala.

Saya sayang kamu.
My blog layout is changed! Once again. Tapi bukan layout ni yang saya mau sebenarnya. Tapi setting untuk blog ni macam dah susah jadi kena slow-slow lah belajar nak tukar itu tukar ini. Dulukan senang je, ni ada pulak tambahan macam-macam. Haih.
You are the only brother that I have. Nothing can compared to you. Thank you for being a great brother to us. Me, Safra and Wana. Thank you for sending me to college yesterday.
Frankly speaking I am very proud to have you as my brother. You are not wild like certain boys out there. You are acts matured. Ingat tak lagi Ustaz Hadi pernah cakap kat Abah macam ni ; ' Sekarang ni susah nak tengok anak lelaki yang boleh buat kawan dengan ayahnya. '. Sebab masa tu, sebelum abang belajar kat Universiti, almost every evening you and Abah akan main tennis sama-sama. Orang lain tak bawak pun anaknya untuk join main sekali. Tapi abang and Abah siap boleh jadi team lagi.
When you were in high school you were very active in co-curriculumn. You used to be one of a Pahang State Tennis Player. Tiap-tiap tahun abang akan jadi wakil Negeri untuk match tennis. You're a STAR!!!
Now, you are doing internship in Port Klang. Time is flying so fast. You are big enough to involve in work life. Soon, you'll be a fiance to CikLala. Tuhan, selepas ini pasti kami akan sibuk dengan life sendiri.
Im hoping that you will always success in every field you do. Semoga ALLAH memberkati MOHD. ZUNNURAIN BIN KAMARUDDIN dunia dan akhirat. AMEEN YA RABB.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Farah : Kau pernah terfikir tak if one day 'dia' lamar kau. Then dia cakap dia nak habiskan sisa hidupnya dalam masa beberapa bulan untuk kau?
Me : (TERdiam). AAAAAA aku tak nak lah macam tu. Aku nak 'dia' hidup lama.
Farah : Aku cakap IF.
Me : Urmmmm aku akan terima jugak. Nak kahwin dengan 'dia'. Aku nak happy and bahagiakan satu sama lain. Tapi aku pasti lepas tu, mesti akan sedih. :( . Tapi tak apa, at least aku pernah hidup bersama 'dia'.
Me : (TERdiam). AAAAAA aku tak nak lah macam tu. Aku nak 'dia' hidup lama.
Farah : Aku cakap IF.
Me : Urmmmm aku akan terima jugak. Nak kahwin dengan 'dia'. Aku nak happy and bahagiakan satu sama lain. Tapi aku pasti lepas tu, mesti akan sedih. :( . Tapi tak apa, at least aku pernah hidup bersama 'dia'.
"I Made It"
Cash Money Heroes
Private Jets
Polish, fly
[Chorus - Kevin Rudolf]
I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it, I made it!
[Kevin Rudolf - Verse 1]
Known from the city where no one believed in me
But I never give up the fight.
Ya, but now on top.
I told you to let it rock
The moneys fallin from the sky-y-y-y-y
I made it.
[Chorus - Kevin Rudolf]
I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it, I made it!
CMB baby
Swagged out
Rooftop, hella choppa burning smoke
Louie bag stay strapped wit a priceless globe
High life, flippin and get some more.
Paradise, the luxury marble floor
When I hit, hit me full of that cash
More money than I seen in a garbage can
Stunna island, money and the power
Thats how we do it, make it rain make it shower
Top floor, big timer doing big things
Over city views bought shawty new range
Flip another 100, poppin throwing hundreds
In a new Bently, uptown stunna1
I look up to the sky(TO THE SKY)
And now the world is mine(THE WORLD IS MINE)
Ive known it all my life(all my lifeeeeee)
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life im living now(ooooo)
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it!
[Jay Sean]
Ooo I made it
I made it...
I made It...
I made it...
Yo ay Ay ay listen
See I dont live for glamour,and I dont care for fame
Im in this for the love of the game
Funny how things can change
They didnt believe in me
Then they calling my name
Now look who cashed in
They didnt wanna know me back then
But ever since I don gon platinum
Everything turned around
And now the sky is falling downnnnnn
[Chorus - Kevin Rudolf]
I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that there's no doubt.
I made it, I made it!
[Lil Wayne]
Came from the gutter, lookin like my motha
Made it to the goal line, straight out the huddle
Cash money goldmine, weezy stay loyal
Boy we getting money like we just found oil
Uh and thats word to my red flag
I live first and leave the bullsh-t dead last
I lay it down so hard I got a bedrash
And I just tell em to loaf it when the bread pass
Staring at you from the top of the game man
I might drop the World if I change hands
Uh it feel good to be here, Weezy in the building got this b-tch rebuilt
Young Money
[Chorus - Kevin Rudolf]
I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it, I made it!
[Jay Sean]
I look to the skyyy!!
I made it!
Made it, I made it
Yes I did
Cash Money Heroes
Private Jets
Polish, fly
[Chorus - Kevin Rudolf]
I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it, I made it!
[Kevin Rudolf - Verse 1]
Known from the city where no one believed in me
But I never give up the fight.
Ya, but now on top.
I told you to let it rock
The moneys fallin from the sky-y-y-y-y
I made it.
[Chorus - Kevin Rudolf]
I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it, I made it!
CMB baby
Swagged out
Rooftop, hella choppa burning smoke
Louie bag stay strapped wit a priceless globe
High life, flippin and get some more.
Paradise, the luxury marble floor
When I hit, hit me full of that cash
More money than I seen in a garbage can
Stunna island, money and the power
Thats how we do it, make it rain make it shower
Top floor, big timer doing big things
Over city views bought shawty new range
Flip another 100, poppin throwing hundreds
In a new Bently, uptown stunna1
I look up to the sky(TO THE SKY)
And now the world is mine(THE WORLD IS MINE)
Ive known it all my life(all my lifeeeeee)
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life im living now(ooooo)
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it!
[Jay Sean]
Ooo I made it
I made it...
I made It...
I made it...
Yo ay Ay ay listen
See I dont live for glamour,and I dont care for fame
Im in this for the love of the game
Funny how things can change
They didnt believe in me
Then they calling my name
Now look who cashed in
They didnt wanna know me back then
But ever since I don gon platinum
Everything turned around
And now the sky is falling downnnnnn
[Chorus - Kevin Rudolf]
I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that there's no doubt.
I made it, I made it!
[Lil Wayne]
Came from the gutter, lookin like my motha
Made it to the goal line, straight out the huddle
Cash money goldmine, weezy stay loyal
Boy we getting money like we just found oil
Uh and thats word to my red flag
I live first and leave the bullsh-t dead last
I lay it down so hard I got a bedrash
And I just tell em to loaf it when the bread pass
Staring at you from the top of the game man
I might drop the World if I change hands
Uh it feel good to be here, Weezy in the building got this b-tch rebuilt
Young Money
[Chorus - Kevin Rudolf]
I look up to the sky
And now the World is mine
Ive known it all my life
I made it, I made it!
I used to dream about, the life I'm living now
I know that theres no doubt.
I made it, I made it!
[Jay Sean]
I look to the skyyy!!
I made it!
Made it, I made it
Yes I did
I made it
Good Morning!!!! Happy 1st Day of August!!! And this is a starting song for today and maybe for this month.
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