This is JIJI. Yes, she's a reporter. Hahaha. Kidding~. She's the one who is always encouraging me to stand and be patient. The one who reminded me that everything happened for a reason.
This is FARAH. My joyah's partner. Hehehe. Eventhough she's busy with her work as a nurse, but sometimes she will call and message me. Always give me advices and support me with him.
Thanks so much to both of you.
Jiji and Farah. Kenapa tiba-tiba mention nama dia orang kan? Sebab dia orang ni pernah cakap sesuatu pada saya. Dia orang cakap apa? SABAR! Yes! Dia orang cakap saya sabar. Terlalu sabar. Jiji cakap, saya terlalu sabar bila kawan dengan 'A' (perasan tak, this is the first time I mention my sayang initial name?) ;) yang jauh. Saya sendiri pun tak sedar betul ke saya sesabar tu? Pejam celik pejammmmm (pejam dulu ye, ehehe) dan celik balik, saya dan 'dia' dah 2 tahun berkawan. Macam-macam benda saya dah lalui. Gembira, sedih, perit jangan cakaplah, semua pernah singgah dalam diari hidup saya.
Tapi...entahlah. Saya pun tak tau kenapa saya masih lagi ada untuk 'A' tu. Walaupun masa tu kami belum lagi jadi an item. Rahsia Allah mungkin. Then Farah, last week she called me. Lama kami berborak. Plus she got free call credit. So she managed to call me and we talked a lot of things. From our planning to hang out this becoming Raya Hajj (can't wait to meet you up girl!) and of course Farah asked me about my 'A' :) .
She asked me about 'our' progress. I told her everything. Including our 2nd anniversary :) and not to forget, about his mom's picture that he gave me :) . Farah cakap, kenapa selepas 2 tahun baru nak bagi gambar, kenapa selepas 2 tahun baru nak sedar semua tu? Kenapa tak dari dulu? Hahahaha Farah Farah. Bila datang mood berjoyah kau, tak boleh berhenti la kan?
Then Farah tanya, macam mana ye kau boleh bertahan? Sabar betul kau ni Zaf! Kalau aku (Farah) tak tau la apa jadi tu. Then saya jawab, entah la. Kekuatan tu datang tanpa saya sedari. Sedikit demi sedikit saya go on with it. Walaupun pernah terasa perit. Tapi akhirnya, saya and 'A' jadi apa yang kami jadi hari ni. I feel blessed. Bak kata Jiji, hasil kesabaran saya selama ni :) .
Tiap-tiap hari saya selalu berbisik pada diri sendiri dan berdoa semoga Allah berikan saya dan 'A' kekuatan dan kepercayaan antara kami. Long distance relationship is not easy for us. Only trustworthy is the key. And yeah, communication is also needed.
Farah and Jiji used to request the same thing from me. Guess what? They want to be my bridemaids! Hahahaha. Long way to go for the wedding. But hey, wait!, who can predict the future right? What if I get marry tomorrow? HAAAAA????!!! Apa nak cakap kan? Auwww kenja lak tetengahari buta ni. Ngeng! By the way, thanks guys! You make my job easier. Tak payah nanti pening-pening nak cari bridemaid ;) . Korang nanti nak jadi bridemaids aku nak pakai baju color apa? Make sure cantik-cantik tau! Hahahaha..
ReplyDeletecik fifi, pic sy tu xcun la...sy ttup mata tau tgk pic tu, tuka pic lain..ehehe
yunk, i xde pic u yg lain...folder yg lame2 i da transfer dlm external abah i..xpe2..nti i godek2 kt fb..ngee~
ReplyDeletehek88..kenja i..trimas huhuuu
ReplyDeleteno biggie =)